Fermentators Lab

This is not only architectural design project but also we engaged local people by researching and consulting the comunity. Importance for activating the city is undesrtanding the history and culture and people there. We un- desrtand this project is related a thread along the old street.

We focused on fermentation food culture there, such as miso, soy souce ,etc. One of the projectsGAAiU1sUP converting into the food Lab in residence from the old Kimono shop and storages.
We also held some workshops. One of them is that we opened up closed win- dows by refurbishment of old shops and turn lights for making the street more active.

This is not only architectural design project but also we engaged local people by researching and consulting the comunity. Importance for activating the city is undesrtanding the history and culture and people there. We un- desrtand this project is related a thread along the old street.

We focused on fermentation food culture there, such as miso, soy souce ,etc. One of the projectsGAAiU1sUP converting into the food Lab in residence from the old Kimono shop and storages.
We also held some workshops. One of them is that we opened up closed win- dows by refurbishment of old shops and turn lights for making the street more active.